
Aquarella - Mac Info

Watercolor, or Aquarelle is a wonderful transparent and luminous artistic media. Watch as Aquarella transforms your image into one with liquid pools of color blended fluidly on paper to create a watercolor with all the delicate details found in a traditional watercolor media.

Look closely as you render your aquamedia to discover light delicate “blooms” of wet color running throughout your creation and brush strokes of overlapping pigment dried dark along the edges.



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Get Photo: Loads a photo from your desktop or hard drive.

Save Photo: Saves the image to your desktop or hard drive.

Save Preset: Once you've created an effect you can use this option to save all the attributes and reuse them on another picture.

Random Button: Randomizes the effect on the image.

Original Button: Hold down to view the original image for a quick comparison.

File Menu

Get Photo: Loads a photo from your desktop or hard drive.

Save Photo: Saves the image to your desktop or hard drive.

Save Preset: Once you've created an effect you can use this option to save all the attributes and reuse them on another picture.

Edit Menu

Undo: Undo your last edit.

Redo: Redo your last edit that was undone.


Use the Styles Tab to view our different presets. Clicking on the name of a preset style will randomize the image with that style.

Aquarella comes with two different Styles.

Aqua Color - Creates a classic watercolor style painting using the original colors in the photo.

Two Tone - Creates a Watercolor style painting using 2 colors chosen by the user.

Saving and Deleting Presets

Once you have applied a preset and modified it using the adjust tab, you can save your own custom preset by going to the file menu and selecting save preset. To delete a preset click the blue minus sign in the bottom corner which will make red Xs appear next to the preset thumbnails tap them to delete.


You can use the other three/ four tabs to customize your picture. The Adjust Tab varies depending on which Preset Style you have chosen.

   Adjust Tab

Color Detail

Move the slider to the left to add more colors that will increase detail in your image.

Enhance Colors

Increase the Saturation of the image making the image more bright and colorful.

Wet Edge Strength

Change the visibility of the 'Wet' area around edges of color in your image.

Wet Edge Detail

Adds more Wet Edges around smaller areas of color in your image to give it more detail.

Paper Style

Choose between our 6 different paper styles to overlay your image.



*Only available when selecting a Two Tone

preset style.

Main Color

Choose the main color of your image. This will cover the majority of your image

Secondary Color

Choose the secondary color to use on your image. This will be used on small parts of your image while the Main Color will be used on everything else.

Randomize Colors

Randomizes your Main Color and Secondary Color with a variety of preselected matching colors.

   Wash Tab

Color Strength

Increase the visibility of the colors in the Wash chosen below.

Color Shift

Move the slider to change the colors of the Wash chosen below.

Wash Thumbnails

Choose a wash that will overlay your image.








  Bloom Tab

Bloom Strength

Change the visibility of the Bloom chosen below.

Normal/ Reverse

Choose wether to use the normal version of the chosen Bloom or the reverse version.

Bloom Thumbnails

Choose a Bloom style to go with your image.





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