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NIR Color - Mac Info

NIR Color uses "near infrared" light technology, along with infrared "color" filters to add violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red colors, and all their combinations back into your image. The combination creates stunning imagery with otherworldly and mysteriously atmospheres. 



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Get Photo: Loads a photo from your desktop or hard drive.

Save Photo: Saves the image to your desktop or hard drive.

Save Preset: Once you've created a HDR scene you can use this option to save all the attributes and reuse them on another picture.

Random Button: Randomizes the Rain effect on the image

Original Button: Hold down to view the original image for a quick comparison

File Menu

Get Photo: Loads a photo from your desktop or hard drive.

Save Photo: Saves the image to your desktop or hard drive.

Save Preset: Once you've created a HDR scene you can use this option to save all the attributes and reuse them on another picture.


Use the Styles Tab to view our different presets

NIR Color comes with two different style types using different algorithms to give you two unique looks

NIR Color

Extreme NIR

Saving and Deleting Presets

Once you have applied a preset and modified it using the adjust tab, you can save your own custom preset by going to the file menu and selecting save preset. To delete a preset click the blue + in the bottom corner which will make red Xs appear next to the preset thumbnails tap them to delete.


There are two tabs which you can use to customize your picture

Randomize Filter

Randomizes the custome color filter drastically changing your image

Blowout Slider

Blows out the highlights to make them brighter and more apparent

Detail Slider

Move left to add sharpness to your image.

Randomize Colors

Randomizes the two colors listed below

Color 1 and Color 2

Choose the two colors to overlay your image, use the sliders to change the opacity of the colors.

Dreamy Slider

Gives the image a soft dreamy effect.

Contrast Slider

Deepens the dark areas in the image.


Grain Strength Slider

Changes the opacity of the grain effect selected

Grain Thumbnails

Choose the grain effect used to overlay the image






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