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Moku Hanga - Mac Info


The Moku Hanga app, Moku the Japanese word for “wood” while hanga is known as “print”, allows you to create an artistic wood-block print from any picture or snapshot — no need for time consuming carving — the artists from JixiPix do all the work for you! With the power to fully customize your Moku Hanga, you can create a masterpiece artistic enough be part of printmaking history! 



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Get Photo: Loads a photo from your desktop or hard drive.

Save Photo: Saves the image to your desktop or hard drive.

Save Preset: Once you've created an effect you can use this option to save all the attributes and reuse them on another picture.

Random Button: Randomizes the effect on the image.

Original Button: Hold down to view the original image for a quick comparison.

File Menu

Get Photo: Loads a photo from your desktop or hard drive.

Save Photo: Saves the image to your desktop or hard drive.

Save Preset: Once you've created an effect you can use this option to save all the attributes and reuse them on another picture.

Edit Menu

Undo: Undo your last edit.

Redo: Redo your last edit that was undone.


Use the Styles Tab to view our different presets

Moku Hanga comes with two different style types.



Saving and Deleting Presets

Once you have applied a preset and modified it using the adjust tab, you can save your own custom preset by going to the file menu and selecting save preset or clicking the save preset button. To delete a preset click the blue minus sign in the bottom corner which will make red Xs appear next to the preset thumbnails click them to delete.



There are three tabs which you can use to customize your picture.




Deepens the dark areas in the image.

Image Strength

Change the opacity of the colors of the image.

Image Colors ( Only appears when a Multi-Color Style Preset is selected. )

Adjust the amount of colors in the image.

Outline Smoothing

Makes the outline more fluid and loose. Move the slider left to make the
outline more ragged and rough.

Outline Width

Changes the thickness of the outline.

Outline Strength

Change the opacity of the outline around the image

Normal/ Black Boost

Switching this to Black Boost will add black to the darker parts of the image.

Color Smoothing ( Only appears when a Multi-Color Preset is selected.)

Control the amount of the colors created in between the colors selected by
the color boxes

Randomize Colors ( Only appears when a Multi-Color Preset is selected. )

Randomizes the colors in the color boxes choosing five random colors in the

Color Boxes ( Only appears when a Multi-Color Preset is selected. )

Pick five colors to appear in your image. The image will use a color from
the color boxes that is closest to the original color in the image.



Paper Tint

Changes the opacity of the selected color overlaying the paper style. Choose the color with the color box.

Paper Thumbnails

Choose the background of the image.


Border Thumbnails

Choose a border to go around your image.




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