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Artista Haiku - Mac Info

Artista Haiku is a compilation of whimsical stylistic watercolor "poetically" brushed to aged or artistic paper then outlined in india ink.

Artista Haiku will add spontaneity to your pictures. This creative media incorporates traditional watercolor techniques as well as the non-traditional such as digital photography, and vintage papers to create a unique painting filled with movement and meaning.

To capture the atmospheric mysteries in your scene try reducing the ink outline to the scantiest detail, and reducing the watercolor to dabs of accent, your painting will convey the essence of poetry in that scene whether weighty or substantial as in a building façade or an open body of water.




Top Bar Buttons

Get Photo: Loads a photo from your desktop or hard drive.

Save Photo: Saves the image to your desktop or hard drive.

Save Preset: Once you've created an effect you can use this option to save all the attributes and reuse them on another picture.

Random Button: Randomizes the effect on the image.

Original Button: Hold down to view the original image for a quick comparison.

File Menu

Get Photo: Loads a photo from your desktop or hard drive.

Save Photo: Saves the image to your desktop or hard drive.

Save Preset: Once you've created an effect you can use this option to save all the attributes and reuse them on another picture.

Edit Menu

Undo: Undo your last edit.

Redo: Redo your last edit that was undone.


You can customize your image with three different tabs: Adjust, Overlay and Border


Shadows/ Mid-Tones/ Highlights/ Full Tabs

Choose where the watercolor will appear on the image. If Full is selected Wet Edges and Paint Area Sliders will not be available.


Change the opacity of the watercolor effect.

Wet Edges

Change the size of the outline around the watercolor effect creating a 'wet' look. (Not available when Full is selected.)

Paint Area

Change how much of the image is covered in watercolor. (Not available when Full is selected.)

Paint Variation

Change how the paint looks in the selected area.

Paint Color Shift

Changes the color of the watercolor. (Only available if a StylizedWatercolor style preset is selected becasue AbstractWatercolor uses the actual colors of the original image.)

Ink Outline

Outline more edges in the photo.

Ink Outline Detail

Moving the slider left renders a loose outline and moving it right renders a sharper one.

Ink Fill

Fills more of the darker areas of the image with ink when moved right.

Ink Color

Brings up a color picker that changes pencil color, outline, shade and shadow areas together. Moving the slider to the right will increase shade areas.


Move this slider right to add more of the original color back into the scene.



Paper Thumbnails

Choose a paper style for your image









Border Thumbnails

Select a border to be displayed around your image


Use the Style Tab to view our different presets

Haiku Come with two different preset styles


Abstract Watercolor

Using colors pulled directly from your photo, Artista Haiku intuitively blends watercolor shapes, india ink and artistically aged or stained paper for an exciting, refined result that's destined to be a focal point in any photo gallery.


Stylized Watercolor

A kaleidoscope of watery color and compelling patterns begs you to take a moment to admire artwork that pleases the eye and satisfies the soul. Artista Haiku's unique dabs of stylized paint helps draw the eye, delivering a feeling of drama, while its radiant array of textures brings movement for a fresh and lively creation.


Saving and Deleting Presets

Once you have applied a preset and modified it using the Fine Tune tab, you can save your own custom preset by using the "Save Preset" button located under the Save tab on the main screen. To delete a preset click the plus sign in the bottom corner which will make red Xs appear next to the preset thumbnails tap them to delete. To retrieve the built in presets go to the preferences in the drop down menu and select Rebuild Default Presets.


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